February 2022— This annual report provides detailed compensation information for faculty in 94 departments/ specialties based on a 2021 survey that includes more than 123,000 medical school faculty at 152 US medical schools. Online and print editions are available. Learn more #News #AAMC...
January 2022— Medical schools are invited to apply to the OSCE for Clinical Reasoning Creative Community. NBME will support medical school faculty, staff, and students to work together and NBME staff to identify and develop incremental solutions that enhance the promotion and characterization of...
January 2022— NRMP will combine its Medical Specialties Matching Program and Pediatric Specialties Fellowship Match, beginning in 2022 for the 2023 appointment year. Creating a single match for these subspecialties will allow an applicant to rank both medicine and pediatrics programs on the same...
January 2022— The ABIM Foundation has launched a new grant program designed to identify and counter misinformation in health care and public health. Two large grants will support the enhancement or expansion of existing practices that are designed to identify and counter misinformation in health...
January 2022— ACP is seeking applicants to the MKSAP Question Writing Committee. Members serve for two years (2022-2024), write syllabus text, write new multiple-choice questions, receive a stipend and paid full ACP membership, and attend contributor committee meetings. To apply, submit a...
January 2022— AAMC will host a webinar Wednesday, January 19, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST to review the initial findings from year one of the supplemental application pilot. To ensure appropriate feedback from internal medicine (currently only 13% response), please make sure that program...
December 2021— At its December 2021 meeting, the USMLE Management Committee conducted a review of the USMLE Step 1 passing standard and decided that a two-point increase in the passing standard used to determine a pass or fail outcome will apply to Step 1 examinees testing on or after January 26...
December 2021— The AAMC Supplemental Application Work Group, which includes UME and GME representatives from the Alliance, has begun meeting to review preliminary information from the supplemental application pilot for internal medicine, dermatology, and surgery in the 2021-2022 cycle. More than...
December 2021— ABIM is beginning an 18-24 month process of mapping out its strategy for the future and is interested in learning about trends to keep in mind. ABIM invites the community to share one or two one-sentence headlines that represent developments in health care—or major events around...
December 2021— The Alliance is one of 42 organizations that has joined ACGME, the Organization of Program Directors Associations, and the Council of Medical Specialty Societies in Equity Matters, a comprehensive strategic initiative focused on diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and anti-racism....