Patient care provided by residents is dependent on health technology and digital health proficiency is itself an ACGME milestone for internal medicine. However, the electronic health record (EHR) is often not considered in traditional assessments of resident clinical skills. A large reason for this gap is a lack of guidance for educators on how to partner with EHR staff to design and implement mock EHR cases.
This webinar will discuss our experience in developing EHR-OSCE for internal medicine residents to assess their ability to appropriately extract clinical information from a mock patient medical record and complete defined tasks with observation by a trained faculty member. Presenters will discuss how they worked with EHR (EPIC) trainers to develop the mock patient cases and make them available in the EPIC playground. Presenters will share development process, timeline, and potential pitfalls.
The webinar will conclude with a summary of possible projects and discuss opportunities for dissemination across other residency programs within an institution. Given the successful implementation of this exercise within a program and the low cost of implementation, similar chart simulation with EHR can easily be developed at other institutions; webinar participants will leave with the tools to start that process on their own.
Presenters:Rebecca Griffith, MDCilian White, MDRajiv Bhagat, MDAhmed Ezzelden, MD