Teaching All Docs New Tricks: How to Create, Implement, and Evaluate Faculty Development Programmin

When:  Feb 27, 2025 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)

While core faculty have been identified within residency programs for years, it was not until recently that the ACGME began requiring protected time for faculty in this role. With programs gaining the luxury of time and intention, we aim to identify specific ways to create faculty development curricula with and for core faculty members, choosing topics that are meaningful for them and impactful for residents.

Presenters will discuss the ACGME-identified core faculty development domains and give specific examples of topics and formats that can be utilized within each domain: teaching skills, clinical performance, professionalism, and scholarly activities. Participants will work in small groups to discuss one faculty development need at their home institutions and to leverage the content presented to meet this challenge. Presenters will also discuss how to evaluate core faculty development initiatives to ensure that programming is effective.

Participants will leave with a detailed, evidence-based approach to creating a core faculty development session, a list of resources for existing faculty development content, and tools to assess their implementations. With the four presenters representing different geographic regions, both academic and community settings, and general internal medicine and subspecialities, the workshop is applicable to a broad range of educators, regardless of practice setting.

M. Hayes Baker, MD
Christopher Henry, MD
Carleen Spitzer, MD
Sheena CarlLee, MD