Appendix 2: Grading Rubric for a Comprehensive Note Write-up
Chief Complaint: 0, 1, 2 points
0: none
1: present R
2: includes patient’s main complaint, in patient’s words, and no additional information/patient information/other non-pertinent wording I
Opening sentence: 0, 3, 5 points
0: none
3: present but lacks appropriate important information, or includes information that is not important to the differential R
5: includes appropriate history and not distractors I
HPI: 0-15 points I
2: Organized
2: Thorough
4: Includes pertinent positive ROS
4: Includes pertinent negative ROS
3: Includes pertinent past history/family history/social history
Past Medical History: 0, 1, 2 points R
0: none
1: disorganized, incomplete, paragraph format
2: organized, thorough, bulleted format (includes surgical history, ob/gyn history if appropriate, vaccinations/developmental history if a child)
Medications: 0, 1, 2 R
0: nothing written (if no medications, must state so)
1: medications listed but uses abbreviations, trade names
2: medications listed, no abbreviations, generic names
Allergies: 0, 1, 2 points R
0: nothing listed (if no allergies, must indicate such)
1: allergies listed but not reactions
2: allergies and reactions listed, or no allergies listed as “no known drug allergies)
Social History: 0,1 point (point system does NOT reflect a lack of importance to this!!! Please include alcohol, tobacco, drug use, living situation, social support) R
Family History: 0, 1 point (point system does NOT reflect lack of importance) R
ROS: 0, 1 point R
0: none or lists only a few, not organized, includes PE or other findings, repeats information already described in HPI
1: thorough, excludes information written in HPI with “as in HPI” references, does not include any PE findings in ROS
Physical Exam: 0, 5, 10 points
0: none
5: incomplete, unorganized R
10: includes vitals, organized in appropriate order, thorough, mentions pertinent findings and pertinent negatives findings I
Summary Statement: 0, 5, 10 points
0: none
5: present but unorganized, does not include pertinent information or includes information that is not pertinent or incorrect I
10: organized, includes pertinent HPI, PE and data leading to differential diagnosis M
Problem list, Assessment/Plan with differential: total of 50 points
Problem list: 0, 2, 5 points
0: none listed
2: present but incomplete I
5: organized, thorough, complete; includes cc; in order of acuity M
Differential diagnosis: 0, 10, 20 points
0: none R
10: less than 3 items on differential I
20: at least 3 items on the differential, includes the cc as a problem for clinical reasoning M
Clinical reasoning: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 points
0: none
5: minimal reasoning, does not list most likely diagnosis or must not miss diagnosis R
10: more thorough, but not organized into “differential, work up, treatment”
15: thorough and organized, works through differential, describes why and why not diagnoses should be considered, includes most likely diagnosis (and describes this), includes must not miss diagnoses when appropriate; organized into “differential, work up, treatment plan” format I
20: differential and clinical reasoning “wows”; reasoning is advanced; M
Overall organization and prioritization: 0-4 points
Organized, extraneous information removed, edited information from auto-population
Reporter= 0-37
Reviewer: _________________________________________________________
Total points & Grade: ____________________________________________
Rusiecki J, Pincavage AT. University of Chicago Internal Medicine Clerkship, 2019.
Adapted with permission from: Bynum D, Colford C, McNeely D. Writer's workshop: teaching preclinical medical students the art of the patient "write-up". MedEdPORTAL. 2014;10:9805.
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