
AAIM 2023: The Year in Review


July 2023

Dear Colleague,

As we begin a new fiscal and academic year, we are appreciative of the opportunity to serve as staff leaders at the Alliance. AAIM continues to provide excellent educational experiences, networking, and professional development opportunities for you, our members who train and support the largest percentage of the future US physician workforce. 
In another year in which there was significant change and many organizations experienced financial volatility, the Alliance exceeded membership goals (104% paid institutions, bringing more than 14,000 memberships across eight main constituencies), and continued strong participation in live and virtual education and networking programs. Alliance members train and support the largest percentage of the future US physician workforce, and we are pleased to engage with you to ensure your career and skill development needs are met!
Through collaboration and partnership with more than 600 member volunteers, including our board of directors and councils, the Alliance accomplished a significant body of work on behalf of its members in FY 2023. We are committed to continuing the hard work in FY 2024, and with your commitment and support, we will again meet or exceed our goals. 
Remember, with you, the Alliance remains Even Better Together.


Polly E. Parsons, MD, MACP, FCCP, ATSF
President & CEO

Bergitta E. Cotroneo, FACMPE
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and EVP

FY 2023 Highlights

  • Welcomed Polly E. Parsons, MD, MACP, FCCP, ATSF, as AAIM’s new President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Launched the AAIM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Group, which has been charged to serve in an oversight role to provide recommendations and guidance to the organization and the board as we build a more robust approach and strategy for DEI education skill-building
  • Launched a series of cross-council task forces to address aspects of the UME-GME continuum, including structured evaluative letters, individualized learning plans, post-interview communications, ERAS supplemental application, away rotations, and UME competencies; recommendations were approved by the AAIM Board and work groups will launch by September 2023
  • Shared Alliance recommendations on
  • Announced support of seven program signals in the 2023-2024 residency application system
  • Continued to host the Internal Medicine Education Advisory Board (IMEAB) meetings which includes more than 15 national and international stakeholder organizations which directly impact policy, education, accreditation, certification, and advocacy related to academic internal medicine
  • Launched the AAIM Medical Education Research Committee consultation service for member efforts in educational scholarship
  • Participated in the ACGME/CMSS/OPDA Equity Matters project with 30+ member organizations, health systems, and public participants to develop and share education, tools, and other resources to help residency programs create or access pathways for educating faculty and learners about the importance of building effective diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice efforts into curricula and the training program community; launched an AAIM Equity Matters Implementation Team to develop AAIM’s capstone contribution and subsequent resource library and tool kits
  • Hosted Foundations of Academic Internal Medicine for Education Administrators, the inaugural virtual educational bootcamp offered through the new AAIM Digital Learning Center
  • Released AAIM Recommendations to Promote Inclusion and Equity in the Interview Process
  • Sent a letter to ACGME to share the unintended consequences of the new FTE requirements
  • Announced the recipients of the 2023 Building Trust grants program, a joint initiative of AAIM, ABIM, ABIM Foundation, ACP, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Macy Foundation providing $470,000 in grant funds
  • Invited AAIM members to add demographic, interests and expertise, and academic rank to My Profile

A Few More Numbers

Registrants for 47 Alliance webinars and town halls

Participants at Academic Internal Medicine Week 2023 in Austin, TX

Volunteers recognized during April’s National Volunteer Appreciation Month

Volunteers raised their hands to serve on FY 2024 Alliance and association committees

New Alliance Ambassadors

Members honored in the 2023 Alliance Awards Program

Want to be part of this great member network? Join us at an upcoming in-person event:

2023 APDIM Fall Meeting
October 12-14, 2023, Baltimore, MD

2024 APM Winter Meeting
February 21-24, 2024, Charleston, SC

Academic Internal Medicine Week 2024
April 14-17, 2024, Columbus, OH

