Monica Kraft, MD

I am writing to express my strong interest for consideration as Treasurer for the Association of Professors of Medicine (APM). I first attended the APM meeting in 2015 as a new chair, and then became a consistent attendee in 2019. From July 2021-June 2024, I served as a member of the APM Council and now serve on the APM program planning committee. I also serve on the AAIM research committee and had the pleasure of serving as co-chair of the AAIM UME-GME task force, where we evaluated the “Ideal State” of the UME to GME transition. As a Chair of the Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Tucson, University of Arizona from 2014-22 and now as System Chair, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai since July 2022, I feel I bring the financial expertise needed for the role as Treasurer.
Outside of my role as Chair, I also have served in progressive leadership roles of the American Thoracic Society (ATS), a professional society for pulmonologists, sleep and critical care providers where financial acumen was required. The ATS has over 20,000 members and I had the honor of serving as a member of the leadership including Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President, President and Past President from 2009-2014. In addition to serving in the leadership, I also served on the ATS finance committee, international conference committee as chair and the Allergy, Immunology and Inflammation assembly program chair. During my service to ATS, the organization had to address multiple challenges, including diversification of revenue streams, effective clinical and scientific education of our members, innovative ways to attract a diverse membership and address policy changes around clinical care and lung health worldwide and through our state and federal governments. By the end of my leadership term in 2014, the ATS was mission focused, in excellent financial health and continues to flourish today.
The skills I have developed can be directly applied to the APM Treasurer position. As we move forward, the role of Treasurer will be critical to address the disruptions brought by the pandemic and those most affected, including our junior faculty and women. With my experience managing clinical and academic budgets at Mount Sinai of over $400M and my role as Treasurer of a large professional organization, I understand and appreciate the balance between investment with fiscal responsibility and financial stewardship. Having been a Chair of Medicine before and during the pandemic, I am in a unique position to ensure that APM and AAIM remain robust and vibrant organizations that support diverse faculty and trainees through this tumultuous time.
It would be an honor to serve as Treasurer of the APM and thus serve as the Council representative to the AAIM finance committee. I have the bandwidth and expertise to be an effective Treasurer. I will monitor the financial health of the APM/AAIM and advocate for fiscally responsible decision making. I am committed to the APM as an organization that aligns with my interests to include providing the primary leadership and direction to academic internal medicine, including education, research, and patient care.