Steven G. Coca, DO
Yale University School of Medicine
“Effect of Acute Kidney Injury on Long-Term Kidney Function in Eldlery Patients”
American society of Nephrology-ASP
Junior Development Award in Geriatric Nephrology
Elizabeth Haney, MD
Oregon Health and Science University
School of Medicine
“Bone Turnover and Bone Loss Among Older Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Users”
Society of General Internal Medicine - Association of Chiefs of General Internal
Medicine-ASP T. Franklin Williams
Scholars Award in Geriatrics
Jeffrey C. Horowitz, MD
University of Michigan Medical School
"Myofibroblast Fate Determination by Extracellular Matrix Evaluations "
ASP-CHEST Foundation of the American
College of Chest Physicians Geriatric
Development Research Award
Kim M. Huffman, MD, PhD
Duke University School of Medicine
“Mechanism of Insulin Resistance in Older Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis"
American College of Rheumatology Research
Education Foundation-ASP Junior Career
Development Award in Geriatric Medicine
Joachim H. Ix, MD
University of California, San Diego
School of Medicine
“Fetuin-A, Adioposity, and Incident Diabetes in Older Persons"
American Diabetes Association-ASP
Young Investigator Innovation Award in Geriatric Endocrinology
Shirley F. Jones, MD
Texas A&M University College of Medicine
“Understanding the Relationship between Sleep, Circadian Rhythm, and Intensive Care Unit Delirium"
ASP-CHEST Foundation of the American
College of Chest Physicians Geriatric
Development Research Award
Heidi D. Klepin, MD
Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
“Functional and Cognitive Assessment in Older Adults with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia"
American Society of Hematology-ASP
Geriatric Hematology Research Award
Amie L. Meditz, MD
Unviersity of Colorado
School of Medicine
“Influence of Sex Steroids and Aging on HIV-1 Chemokine Coreceptor Expression in Women"
ASP-Infectious Diseases Society of America Young Investigator Award in Geriatrics
Lisa M. Nanovic, DO
University of Wisconsin
School of Medicine and Public Health
"Effect of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors on Aortic Stiffness in Elderly Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease"
American Society of Nephrology-ASP Junior Development Award in Geriatric Nephrology
Richard J. Saad, MD
University of Michigan Medical School
"The Differences in Physiologic Mechanisms Underlying Chronic Constipation in Elderly Versus Younger Adults with Constipation"
American Gastroenterological Association
Foundation-Sucampo-ASP Designated Research
Award in Geriatric Gastroenterology
Carla R. Scanzello, MD, PhD
Rush Medical College of Rush University
"Age-Associated Matrix Alteration and Inflammation in Idiopathic Knee Osteoarthritis"
American College of Rheumatology Research and
Education Foundation-ASP Junior Career Development
Award in Geriatric Medicine
George C. Wang, MD
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
"Immunology Dysregulations and Inflammation in the Pathogenesis of Frailty of Older Age: The Role of Chronic Cytomegalovirus Infection"
ASP-American Geriatrics Society Foundation for Health in Aging Award