Using a Quality Portfolio: Tracking Resident Progress Through the Milestones 2.0 in System Based Pra

When:  Sep 24, 2024 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

Join AAIM leaders for the webinar "Using a Quality Portfolio: Tracking Resident Progress Through the Milestones 2.0 in Systems-Based Practice," which will be held Tuesday, September 24, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT.
The new internal medicine Milestones 2.0 highlight specific attitudes and skills needed by emerging internists in the realms of quality improvement and patient safety. In training programs, progression through these milestones may be episodic and are often not limited to a single rotation or experience. Assessment of these milestones occur through specific quality or safety experiences as part of didactic sessions or on various rotations. Identifying existing experiences and tracking progression through these subcompetencies, which poses a considerable challenge for internal medicine programs. 
In this webinar, presenters will review the new Milestones 2.0 in systems-based practice, focusing on system based practice subcompetencies 1 and 2. The presenters will share their process for creating and utilizing a quality portfolio to track the progression of individual learners through residency and identify multiple ways to assess various milestones in systems based practice. 

Stephanie A. Call, MD
Program Director
Nancy T. Kubiak, MD, FACP
Associate Program Director
Department of Medicine
Mountain Area Health Education Center