
The Alliance Provides Residency Interview Guidance for 2022-2023

The process for interviewing residency applicants changed dramatically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with applicants and programs developing new approaches for the application and recruitment process and conducting interviews almost exclusively via a virtual/online format. New recommendations are necessary to incorporate successful elements of these recent virtual seasons into future interview cycles. These new processes must also uphold the core tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • AAIM recommends residency programs conduct virtual interviews for all applicants, including learners at their own institution and applicants visiting the institution through away experiences.
  • Without further evaluation of safeguards to maintain equity for applicants, AAIM recommends against in-person visits as part of the interview process, including in-person interviews, open houses, or program-sponsored second looks.
  • AAIM recommends residency programs adopt common interview standards that include clear communication on their website, social media, and other relevant platforms regarding the date and time that they will release the first wave of interview offers.
  • AAIM recommends that residency programs adopt clear standards for communicating interview status (invitation, waitlist, or rejection) with applicants and describe their communication process on their program’s website.
  • A future AAIM task force should be created to evaluate additional interview standards including applicant interview caps and a uniform interview offer day to issue the initial wave of interview invitations.
  • AAIM recommends medical schools and institutions provide resources to help medical students prepare for residency interviews.
  • AAIM recommends residency programs provide training for faculty on strategies to mitigate implicit bias in interviews and on appropriate interview and post-interview communication.
Read the recommendations

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