
Tips for Losing Weight While Working from Home


When working from home, it is often easier to put on weight with the kitchen so close by. You may also be exercising less due to changes in your daily routine. 

After a hard day of work, all you may feel like doing is moving from your desk chair to your couch to watch Netflix. If this is what you are experiencing, here are some tips that will help you to get moving and lose weight. 

Be more mindful of meals and snacking options

When working from home, it is important to nip cravings in the bud. One way to do this is to fill your refrigerator and grocery cupboards with healthy snacks. If you start feeling hungry, you should have plenty of healthy snack options available or it will be too tempting to just reach for the cookies or crisps. 

You can also prepare some nutrient-dense meals in advance and it helps if you get away from your desk to eat your lunch and dinner. Take time to enjoy your meal and really taste your food instead of eating it mindlessly while poring over a document. 

With its all-natural ingredients, Leptoconnect is a weight loss supplement that is unlikely to have any adverse side effects. A review on discusses the scientific evidence for why this supplement works. 

Find workout activities you like so you will stick to them

The key is to find activities that you enjoy so doing them does not feel like such a burden. This is more important than spending hours one day on a bicycle or treadmill and none the next. Consistency is important and if you’re doing activities that motivate you, like gardening, you are more likely to feel it is time well spent. 

It also helps if you build up gradually to reach your goals. Do a 10-minute workout consistently every day for a while and you can start slowly building up to 15 or 20 minutes. Before you know it, you will be up to 30 or more minutes. 

Get enough quality sleep

Getting enough of the right quality of sleep is important for weight loss. When you work from home and your living space is your workplace, you have to set some parameters so your body knows when to shut down. 

Skimping on sleep dulls activity in your frontal lobe and sets you up to make unwise decisions. Your reward center revs up and you start looking for ways to feel good, like eating a slice of cake. 

Stop looking at your phone at least an hour before you go to bed and start winding down. Having a bath, doing some deep breathing exercises and listening to soothing music can help you to relax. 

Plan workouts for when you are most energized

If you’re an early bird, plan to do your workouts first thing in the morning. If you find you’re sleeping through your alarm and getting up reluctantly in the morning, it may be better to plan an exercise session in the late afternoon. It may be helpful to start a food and exercise journal to identify what works for you and then do more of it. 

Cardio is important for losing weight and when you don’t need to get up and go to an office, you need to make more of an effort to include it in your daily workout. You don’t have to do an hour-long cycling class. All you need to do is go outside, take a walk and include some power walking for a block to raise your heart rate. 

