
Alliance Submits Comments on Proposed ACGME Section II CPR Revisions


April 2021—In response to a public comment period issued by ACGME, AAIM commented on the draft focused revisions to Section II of the Common Program Requirements relating to dedicated time for program directors, assistant/associate program directors, program coordinators, and core faculty members. The AAIM feedback was developed by a subset of the task force that generated the Alliance testimony for ACGME's program support congress in fall 2020: Paul B. Aronowitz, MD, MACP, Steven R. Barczi, MD, Anne B. Curtis, MD, MACP, FACC, FHRS, FAHA, Susan Lane, MD, FACP, Diane L. Levine, MD, FACP, and Bethany Millar, C-TAGME. 

Essentially, GME program leaders need time and flexibility to carry out their responsibilities.  AAIM recommends reinstating the 20% minimum FTE on non-clinical time dedicated to program administration; restoring the 50% FTE for program coordinators; and asking departments that share a single coordinator across multiple smaller programs to describe their process for augmenting administrative support, specifically during busier times.

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