Dear Colleagues:
Because the health and safety of our members, conference attendees, exhibitors, visitors, staff, and local community continue to be our top priority, today we announce that Academic Internal Medicine Week 2021 (AIMW21) will be a fully virtual meeting.
We know this news will not be a surprise to our community. By making this decision now, Alliance program planning committees can focus their efforts on planning an exciting and high-quality virtual event. Like you, we will miss seeing everyone in person but are confident that AIMW21 will be an educational success! Please watch for updates in the coming weeks about the virtual AIMW21.
AAIM remains fully committed to supporting the members of the academic internal medicine community; we will strive to continue to deliver value and service beyond Academic Internal Medicine Week 2021. We thank each and every one of you for your support of the Alliance and of each other through the continued challenges brought on by the pandemic.
Again, thank you. If you have questions about the Alliance, Academic Internal Medicine Week 2021, or this decision, please contact the AAIM office at (703) 341-4540 or
AAIM Board of Directors
- E. Dale Abel, MD, PhD
- Mark E. Anderson, MD, PhD
- Donna J. Astiz, MD
- Melvin S. Blanchard, MD, FACP
- D. Craig Brater, MD, Ex Officio
- Shobhina G. Chheda, MD, MPH
- Katherine C. Chretien, MD
- Bergitta E. Cotroneo, FACMPE, Ex Officio
- Carol A. Cottrell
- Patricia W. Finn, MD
- Susan Lane, MD, FACP
- Solomon Liao, MD, FAAHPM
- Allen Mead
- Marty Muntz, MD, FACP
- L. James Nixon, MD, MHPE, Chair
- Amy Shaheen, MD, MSc, FACP
- Debra L. Simmons, MD, MS, FACE, FACP
- Sylk Sotto, EdD, MBA, MPS
- Patricia Vassallo, MD, FACC, FASE
- Lisa L. Willett, MD, MACM, FACP
- David A. Wininger, MD, FACP