AAIM invites foundations, publishers, recruiters, and companies that create educational tools, software, and patient care management solutions to partner to support APDIM Online 2021.
APDIM Online 2021—the virtual iteration of the 2021 APDIM Fall Meeting—is your chance to get in front of key faculty and staff responsible for internal medicine residency programs, which train the single largest subset of the future physician workforce. Internal medicine is almost always the largest body of users of the electronic medical record, evaluation systems, scheduling software, textbooks, and educational software.
The meeting will bring together 400 to 600 internal medicine residency faculty and staff; from program directors to key faculty to program administrators, these individuals have authority to make decisions about all aspects of the residency program, from evaluation systems to scheduling software to textbooks. They also have regular contact with and significant influence on the future workforce, also known as chief residents, residents, fellows, and students. The faculty usually have multiple clinical and administrative responsibilities in addition to their educational responsibilities.
Please contact Anthony O’Shea at aoshea@tradeshowlogic.com or (770) 432-8410, ext. 109 with any questions. AAIM reserves the right to refuse interest in a potential exhibitor or sponsor at any time.
Please note that purchase of any opportunity includes a complimentary virtual exhibit booth.
Product Learning Sessions
Invite APDIM Online 2021 participants to join you for “virtual lunch” (or breakfast or cocktails!) Provide participants with information about your products and services; partners are welcome to offer reasonable incentives. These sessions (prerecorded or live) may be no longer than 60 minutes total and will be limited to two per available timeslot.
Targeted Email
Promote products and services to conference participants via email before or after the conference. All mailings are sent by AAIM. Email open and click-through rates are provided 72 hours after sending.
Sponsored Seminar Content
Each seminar session will have a single tagged spot reserved for partner content. “Simu-live” sessions are prerecorded 45-minute presentations during which speakers are available to interact live via chat and for Q&A. Participants are not required to preregister.
In Platform Messaging
Share information about your products and services during the conference with event notifications sent through the online conference platform. Messages should be limited to 100 words and can include a link to a website.
Banner Advertising
Lead conference participants to the products and services you provide. Banner advertising is available in multiple locations, assigned on a first-come, first served basis. Exclusive advertising rights are available.
Virtual Exhibit Booth
All partners who purchase promotional opportunities will be provided a complimentary space in the virtual exhibit hall. The space includes a company logo, company description (300 words), chat feature, video upload, access to a live Zoom Meeting room, and supporting document upload as well as a booth preview feature.
Other, more specialized opportunities are also available. The Alliance welcomes your suggestions for other opportunities to collaborate to reach these key influencers. AAIM reserves the right to refuse interest in a potential partnership.
Please contact Anthony O’Shea at aoshea@tradeshowlogic.com or (770) 432-8410, ext. 109 to register today!