
Housing FAQs

What hotels are available for Academic Internal Medicine Week 2024? What are the rates?

AAIM has negotiated discounted hotel rates for AIMW 2024 attendees. You must make your hotel reservation through MCI USA. You will receive the link once you have successfully completed your meeting registration. Submit your request as soon as possible for the best opportunity of receiving your hotel choice. All hotels are located in a less than 10-minute walk from the Greater Columbus Convention.

Hilton Columbus Downtown (Headquarters Hotel) $235

Hyatt Regency Columbus



How do I make a hotel reservation?

All reservations must be made through our official housing company, MCI USA, to receive the conference rate.

A link to make hotel reservations will only be available on your registration confirmation email. You must be registered for Academic Internal Medicine Week 2024 in order to make a hotel reservation within the conference block.

Cut-off for conference rate is March 22, 2024 or until sold out. Rate is ‘first come, first served’ and based on availability. After cut-off day or sell out, hotels may charge higher rates.

Will I be charged if I cancel my room?

Reservations cancelled after March 22, 2024, will be subject to a $25 cancellation fee for each room cancelled. Cancellations received within 72 hours of arrival date will be charged one night’s room rate and tax by the hotel, in addition to the $25. Cancel fees will be charged at the time of the cancellation for each room reservation cancelled. 

How can I change my hotel reservation?

Your reservation acknowledgement will provide detailed instructions and appropriate links needed to make any changes or modifications to existing reservations. Through March 22, changes and cancellations can be made online or by contacting MCI USA. After March 22, 2024, contact your hotel directly to make changes and/or cancellations.

If I cancel my meeting registration, does that also cancel my hotel room?

No, the meeting registration and hotel room reservations are not linked. Please contact AAIM in order to cancel the meeting registration and MCI USA to cancel the hotel reservation.

Can put in a special room request?

For questions or special requests, please contact MCI USA.  Special requests are not guaranteed. Hotels will assign specific room types upon check-in, based on availability.