
Committee & Task Force News

AAIM committees and task forces support the strategic plan and critical initiatives that impact the organization and profession. This section provides quarterly updates about Alliance-level “working” committees. To learn more about charges for these committees and task forces, AAIM governance-oriented committees, or individual association program planning and survey committees, please visit the About AAIM section.

AAIM runs an annual call for volunteers to serve on Alliance and association committees and task forces, usually in March/April. Committee and task volunteers are required to be current members (the institution’s dues must be paid for that year) as well as expected to have been members for at least three years and to have attended at least two Alliance or APDIM meetings in the last four years. To ensure the availability of a maximum number of volunteer opportunities, members may hold only one elected or appointed role per year (i.e., you cannot serve on multiple committees/task forces or on council and a committee/task force). Terms are usually one year for task forces and three years for committees. For more information about committee service, please contact the AAIM office at (703) 341-4540 or

AAIM Business of Medicine Initiative Task Force

The AAIM Business of Medicine is a cross-organizational task force that is composed of council and general members.  The task force is responsible for:

  • Establishing the definitions and domains of the “business of medicine”
  • Developing curricular “content tracks” for physicians and administrators in the established domains
  • Assessing and recommending modalities of providing this content to members and non-members
  • Preparing a recommendation for the AAIM Finance and Audit Committee for resources to support this effort
  • Preparing a recommendation for the AAIM Board of Directors for an 18 to 36 month plan to develop, deploy, and assess a “business of medicine” initiative

Chair: Monica Fawthrop

AAIM Business of Medicine Initiative Task Force recommendations (as of November 2021)

AAIM Business of Medicine Initiative Task Force Roster

Kevin Dustin, MBA
Associate Chair, Administration and Finance
University of Utah School of Medicine

Monica Fawthrop (Chair)
Division Administrator
University of Washington School of Medicine

Laurie Jacobs, MD
Hackensack Meridian Hackensack University Medical Center

Nicholas Jaidar
Faculty Practice Administrator
University of Maryland School of Medicine

Stephen Knohl, MD
Program Director
State University of New York Upstate Medical University College of Medicine

Michelle Lynch, MPA
University of Washington School of Medicine

Angela Peppers, MBA
Vice Chair for Finance & Administration
University of Nebraska College of Medicine

Arif Sarwari, MD
West Virginia University School of Medicine

Jeffrey Summers, MD
East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine

AAIM Competencies Task Force Committee

This task force is charged to identify a set of internal medicine competencies that will be followed across
the educational continuum from student through residency and fellowship.

Co‐Chairs: Steven R. Barczi, MD  and Nadia J. Ismail, MD, MPH, MEd 

AAIM Competencies Task Force Roster

Amna Anees, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
St. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center

Steven Barczi, MD (Co-Chair)
Director of Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

James Butler, MBBS, MRCP, PGCE
Associate Program Director
Indiana University School of Medicine (Southwest Indiana)

Alvin Calderon, MD, PhD, FACP
Virginia Mason Medical Center

J.Marietta Clewing, MD
Clerkship Director
Methodist Hospital (Houston) 

Adam Garber, MD, FACP
Acting Internship Course Director
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Nadia Ismail, MD, MPH, Med (Co-Chair)
Associate Professor
Baylor College of Medicine

Brian Kwan, MD
Co-Clerkship Director
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine

Diane Levine, MD, FACP
Vice Chair and Clerkship Director
Wayne State University School of Medicine

Emily Mallin, MD
Associate Program Director
University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix

Candice Mateja, DO
University of South Florida Health Morsani College of Medicine

Elizabeth McAlister, C-TAGME
Program Administrator
University of Alabama School of Medicine

Craig Piquette, MD
Fellowship Program Director
University of Nebraska College of Medicine

M. Lee Sanders, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine

AAIM Innovations Grant Committee

The AAIM Innovation Grants Committee is charged with overseeing the AAIM Innovation Grants Program. The committee is responsible for providing guidance on the annual grant’s timeline and process, determining future grant program themes, reviewing submitted letters of interest and grant applications, and selecting grant recipients.

Chair:  Amy Zelenski, PhD
Vice Chair:  Thurayya Arayssi, MD

FY22 AAIM Innovation Grants Workplan (as of November 2021)

List of proposed activities

Map to AAIM Strategic Plan (Goal and Initiative)

  1. Establish DEI steering committeetwo AAIM members and 1 staff member selected (Amy Zelenski, PhD, Jaya Raj, MD and Hanan Abdulahi, MPP-AAIM staff): September 2021

    1. In collaboration with partners, ABIM, ABIMF, ACP and Josiah Macy Foundation, the steering committee would provide overall guidance for the program, including the creation of the RFA and the review process for potential grantees. The steering committee would review potential reviewers and the final slate of grantees.

  2. Establish grant review committee: October 2021

    1. A single review committee will be established with equal representation from the partners. The review committee should have greater racial, ethnic, and professional diversity than in the first phase. The number of committee members will be determined by the Steering Committee.

    2. Grant review committee—will be charged with reviewing and scoring LOIs and full grant applications during the review process.

  3. Request for proposals releasedNovember 2021

  4. Review committee members receive LOI to review: December 2021

  5. Review committee meets and selects those who will be invited to submit full proposals: January 2022

  6. Full proposals due March 15, 2022

  7. Review committee meets and selects grantees: April/May 2022

  8. Grantees announced to AAIM leadership and membership: May 2022

Goal 2: AAIM will redesign the transitions across the continuum of internal medicine education

  • Initiative 4: Promote innovation in medical education research

AAIM Innovations Grant Committee

Tiffany Schwasinger-Schmidt, MD, PhD
Clerkship Director
University of Kansas (Wichita)

Ankur Segon, MD, MPH FACP

David Cohen, MD, FACE, ECNU
Vice Chair, Education
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Faculty

Jillian Zavodnick, MD
Clerkship Director, Associate Residency Program Director
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University 

Pramil Cheriyath, MD, MS, FACP
Program Director
Ocean Medical Center

Diana McNeill, MD, MACP
Professor of Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine

Rachel Perlman, MD
Assistant Program Director
University of Michigan Medical School

Nacide Ercan-Fang, MD
Associate Program Director
University of Minnesota Medical School

Amy Zelenski, PhD (Chair)
Director of Education, Associate Program Director
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Thurayya Arayssi, MD FACP, FACR, FRCP (Vice Chair)
Weill Cornell Medicine