

Committees represent important core work areas and core business functions relevant to AAIM and its founding members. AAIM and the founding member associations maintain series of standing and ad hoc committees, task forces, and work groups.

Each committee will be populated with a balance of volunteers representing the alliance's constituent organizations. This balance reflects physician and non-physician representation, institution type, academic title, gender, geography, ethnicity, tenure in organization, and experience/expertise in committee work area.


AAIM holds a call for committee volunteers each spring. Any volunteer who is not placed is added to the committee volunteer waiting list for consideration should an opportunity become available. For more information about serving on an AAIM or founding member association committee, please contact the AAIM office at (703) 341-4540 or contact membership services.

AAIM Committees

AAIM Compensation Committee

The compensation committee is charged to work with the AAIM Executive Vice President to compare the salary structure for the alliance with other organizations (similarly sized not-for-profit associations); review the AAIM Executive Vice President’s proposed salaries for the non-executive alliance staff on an annual basis; and to recommend to the AAIM Board of Directors the total compensation package for the AAIM Executive Vice President on an annual basis.

AAIM Compliance Committee

The compliance committee is charged to oversee AAIM’s implementation of compliance programs, policies and procedures that are designed to respond to the various compliance and regulatory risks facing AAIM. Monitor the effectiveness of the system for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations; monitor the adherence to AAIM standards of conduct, conflict of interest, and external support policies; review the results of investigations of allegations of non-compliance; and make appropriate recommendations to the AAIM Board.

AAIM Education Committee

The education committee is charged to discuss, monitor, and develop tools and programs related to the accreditation of residency and fellowship training, standards for medical student education, milestones and enstrustable professional activities in UME and GME.

AAIM Educational Program Planning Committee

The educational program planning committee is charged to monitor and evaluate the new AAIM meetings structure and program planning process; identify opportunities to enhance the AAIM meetings portfolio both in person and virtual events.

AAIM Finance and Audit Committee

The finance committee is charged to assist the AAIM Board of Directors in its oversight responsibilities relating to fiscal management. The finance committee recommends financial policies, goals, and budgets that support the mission, values, and strategic goals of AAIM; regularly reviews financial results against goals; ensures the maintenance of an appropriate capital structure; oversees the management of organization-wide financial assets; and proposes major transactions and programs to the board. Further the finance committee oversees the financial reporting process to ensure the balance, transparency, timeliness and integrity of published financial information for the members of the AAIM; reviews the effectiveness of the AAIM internal financial controls; and oversees the independent audit process.

AAIM Governance Committee

The governance committee is charged to review and monitor the alliance bylaws; to develop recommendations to the AAIM Board of Directors on issues related to governance structure, decision making, board policies; and to serve as the AAIM Nominating Committee.

AAIM Medical Student to Resident Interface Committee

The medical student to resident interface committee is charged to develop programs and resources for faculty and staff responsible for preparing post-core internal medicine clerkship students for their transition from medical school to residency training; and monitor issues related to the transition from medical school to residency training.

AAIM Research Committee

The research committee is charged to advocate and promote opportunities for medical education research; focus on ways to increase public and private support for basic, clinical, and health services research; and create practical materials and tools to promote research in departments of internal medicine as well as research careers.

AAIM Resident to Fellow Interface Committee

The resident to fellow interface committee is charged to develop programs and resources for faculty and staff responsible for preparing internal medicine residents for their transition from residency to fellowship training; and monitor issues related to the transition from residency to fellowship.

AAIM and Founding Members

APM Committees

APM Program Planning Committee

The program planning committee enhances efforts to support, foster, and develop current and future chairs, which includes developing agendas for APM Winter Meetings; coordinating APM's role in Academic Internal Medicine Week; and planning the APM New Chairs and Emerging Leaders Program. The committee will also represent APM in the development of a more unified and cohesive AAIM meetings portfolio.

APDIM Committees

APDIM Program Planning Committee

The program planning committee plans, executes, and evaluates APDIM-sponsored meetings and precourses; plans, executes, and evaluates APDIM Chief Residents Meeting; coordinates APDIM's presence at Academic Internal Medicine Week; and identifies future APDIM meeting opportunities. The committee will also represent APDIM in the development of a more unified and cohesive AAIM meetings portfolio.

APDIM Survey Committee

The survey committee creates, administers, and summarizes the annual APDIM survey as well as explores the development of a longitudinal database and research network for internal medicine residency programs.

ASP Committees

ASP Program Planning Committee

The program planning committee is charged to plan, execute, and evaluate ASP-sponsored educational programs and identify future opportunities for ASP-sponsored educational programs. The committee will also represent ASP in the development of a more unified and cohesive AAIM meetings portfolio.

CDIM Committees

CDIM Program Planning Committee

The committee is charged to plan and coordinate the annual CDIM National Meeting, which includes generating a theme for the meeting; developing precourse and postcourse topics and inviting speakers; and developing topics and inviting speakers for the meeting’s plenary sessions; coordinate the role of the CDIM in Academic Internal Medicine Week; generate ideas for other educational materials, venues, and opportunities. The committee will also represent CDIM in the development of a more unified and cohesive CDIM meetings portfolio.

CDIM Survey and Scholarship Committee

The committee is charged to manage the annual CDIM survey; provide feedback on research abstracts presented during the CDIM National Meeting; provide faculty development to membership related to conducting medical education research; and oversee CDIM’s relationship with Teaching and Learning in Medicine through the association’s affiliation with the Alliance for Clinical Education.

AIM Committees

AIM Program Planning Committee

The program planning committee is charged to oversee development of the educational conference, plenary sessions, workshop sessions, and precourse; plan AIM’s session at the Academic Practice Assembly meeting; coordinate AIM’s involvement in Academic Internal Medicine Week; plan the AIM webinar series; and generate ideas for other educational materials, venues, and opportunities. The committee will also represent AIM in the development of a more unified and cohesive AAIM meetings portfolio.

Constituent Groups

APDIM Program Administrator Committees

APDIM Program Administrators Certification Committee

The PA certification committee is charged to explore the development of certification (including criteria, processes, and requirements) for program administrators.

APDIM Program Administrators Member Services Workgroup

The PA member services workgroup is charged to work with current members to gain feedback and coordinate development activities as well as develop strategies to recruit and welcome new PAs to APDIM. The committee also oversees the APDIM PA Mentor Program.

APDIM Program Administrators Program Planning Committee Chaired by Mary Sarah Thanas

The PA program planning committee is charged to develop plenary and workshop sessions for the APDIM Program Administrators Meeting. The committee will also represent program administrators in the development of a more unified and cohesive AAIM meetings portfolio.

APDIM Program Administrators Survey Committee

This PA survey and scholarship committee is charged to coordinate the creation, distribution, and analysis of all PA surveys and data.

Clerkship Administrator Committees

CDIM Clerkship Administrators Program Planning Committee

The CA program planning committee is charged to develop plenary and workshop sessions for the CDIM Precourse for Clerkship Administrators. The committee will also represent clerkship administrators in the development of a more unified and cohesive AAIM meetings portfolio.

CDIM Clerkship Administrators Professional Development Committee

The CA professional development committee is charged with identifying educational and professional development opportunities, developing materials, managing the Clerkship Administrators Mentoring Program (CAMP), and serving as a liaison between internal medicine clerkship administrators and the ACUME certification organization.

CDIM Clerkship Administrators Survey and Scholarship Committee

The CA survey and scholarship committee charged with developing and distributing three clerkship administrator newsletters each year; coordinating publication of materials; developing, distributing, and compiling organizational surveys for clerkship administrators; and developing research projects.

MPPDA Committees

MPPDA Accreditation Committee

The accreditation committee is charged to facilitate newly formed Med-Peds programs through initial accreditation and the first full site visit; disseminate information to Med-Peds programs about the ACGME Self-Study and Self-Study visits; share informational resources and/or “Best Practices” for Med-Peds programs on addressing the concerns identified on Faculty or Resident ACGME surveys; provide confidential support to Med-Peds programs in areas of improvement identified on annual program evaluations, or during focused site visits; serve as a central repository for programs to record experiences with the Self-Study process; collect program responses to any future revisions to the Med-Peds RRC requirements and provide guidance to the MPPDA Executive Committee on communication to the RRC with respect to the requirements; provide input to the MPPDA Executive Committee on pertinent topics for the question and answer session with the RRC and Boards at our annual meeting.

MPPDA Curriculum Committee

The curriculum committee is charged to develop and share best practices in teaching curricula for Med-Peds trainees, with emphasis on curricula that address the unique needs and challenges of combined training programs or allow translation of Med-Peds emphasis to strengthen categorical programs. The committee creates, maintains, and curates a web-based repository of curricular tools and innovations to share with the membership; actively shares highlights from this collection of tools through ongoing contributions to the MPPDA Bulletin in the “Curriculum Corner”; assesses and responds to MPPDA member curricular needs as identified on the annual survey; seeks tools that members identify to meet their curricular needs; and promotes collaboration and scholarship related to curricular innovations. Contact committee chair Jaideep Talwalkar for more information.

MPPDA Recruitment Committee

The recruitment committee is charged to communicate with organizations that interface with medical students (NMPRA, AAP-Section On Med-Peds) to coordinate all regional and national events with students; communicate with membership regarding medical school visits to encourage diverse participation; update materials used for medical student recruitment every 2 years; keep an active list of medical schools without Med-Peds programs; develop and updating a list of class presidents and dean’s staff pertinent to each school and creating a timeline and strategy for visiting 5% of these schools annually; and attend recruitment committee meeting at annual National MPPDA Meeting.

MPPDA Research Committee

The research committee is charged to create a supportive environment for collaborative research within MPPDA; provide research support to other MPPDA Committees, as appropriate; obtain, and assist MPPDA Committees to obtain IRB approval as appropriate for initiatives that may require this step in order to disseminate study results within the academic community; work collaboratively with the MPPDA Executive Committee to develop, adapt, administer, analyze, and disseminate the results of the MPPDA Annual Membership survey; work collaboratively with the MPPDA Executive Committee to develop, adapt, administer, analyze, and disseminate the results of the MPPDA Annual Meeting survey; develop a process to ensure that all surveys and research data requests of the MPPDA membership are vetted by the Committee, and where appropriate, incorporated into the annual survey to reduce survey fatigue amongst members; and attend the Research Committee meeting at the annual National MPPDA Meeting.

MPPDA Transitional Care Committee

The transitional care committee is charged to catalog educational, clinical and quality improvement activities of MPPDA members involving the effective transition of care from the pediatric to adult care setting; disseminate transitional care curricular material generated within the MPPDA as well as from external resources for the benefit of Med-Peds resident education; keep a list of active committee members for yearly submission to the Executive Committee for documentation of participation; prepare and presenting quarterly reports to Executive Committee; and attend the Transitional Care Committee Meeting at the annual National MPPDA Meeting.