Smoothing the Bumps in the Milestone 2.0 Road

When:  Jun 22, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

The Internal Medicine Milestones 2.0 were implemented in July 2021 and showed promise to reduce confusion and clarify the subcompetencies.  While initial feedback has been promising, there remain challenges in assessing the subcompetencies and implementing them by front line medical educators.  This interactive webinar led by members of the Milestone 2.0 committee and the ACGME Vice-President of Milestone Development will share friction points in the implementation of Milestones 2.0 and lead the group in “smoothing the bumps” in the implementation of Milestones 2.0.

Presenters:  Ben Doolittle, Laura Edgar, Fred Buckhold, Jonathan Lim


Online Instructions: