What to Do When the Door Is Closed: Keeping Our Residents Safe in 1:1 Clinic Encounters

When:  Jun 5, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (ET)

Resident safety is critical, yet often overlooked, especially in the outpatient clinic setting.  Residents are often alone with an unfamiliar patient, and unsafe situations can escalate quickly.  Furthermore, while the goal is continuity, many resident clinics serve as a main entry point for new patients, making it difficult to predict the need for additional supervision ahead of time.  Finally – while a commitment to safety is universal, the details of how best to prepare for safety in advance or address safety in the moment are often not at the top of the huddle agenda.   We present our residency program’s experiences with a resident-led working group on safety, from needs assessment to action, including engagement with clinic administration, resident-focused safety plans, and faculty development on safe supervision and post-encounter support.

Presenters:  Karen Law, MD, Danielle Jones, MD, Dylan Baker, MD, Britt Marshall, MD, and Pam Vohra-Khullar, MD
