The Two Way Mirror: Engaging Residents in Self Reflection to Improve Semi-Annual Evaluation of Miles

When:  Nov 14, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

academic performance. However, with the implementation of Milestones 2.0, programs must now evaluate residents on their reflective practice and commitment to personal growth.  This requirement necessitates the need for self-evaluation to assess progress on specific milestones.  Self-evaluation potentially incorporates multiple unique components, such as reflection on feedback and clinical skills, career planning, personal quality improvement, wellness, and progression on scholarship. In this webinar, participants will reflect on challenges their programs face evaluating reflective practice and commitment to personal growth then pair to discuss opportunities to grow.  Presenters will then discuss how three different residency programs implemented self-evaluation tools to more meaningfully engage residents in these aspects of their semi-annual evaluations.  Data will be presented from implementation with externalization of successes and lessons learned from these tools.  Finally, participants will engage in small group effort to consider the ways self-reflection could enhance their existing semi-annual evaluations.

Presenters:  Lindsay Sonstein, MD; Erin Hommel, MD; Galant Chan, MD; Megan Freeman, MD


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