The problem representation is a concise summary of a clinical case that is valuable in clinical reasoning and in communication with other health professionals. A good quality problem representation is organized well and includes demographics of the patient, key findings from the case, is translated into medical language and includes clinically useful semantic qualifiers. Teaching learners this skill is a challenge, especially with the complexity of internal medicine patients.
In this webinar, presenters will give an overview of problem representation and develop consensus around the required elements of a problem representation. Assessing the problem representation of learners is also a challenge.
Over the years, there have been various rubrics developed for assessment, but consensus has not been reached on a standard rubric. Presenters will discuss several rubrics from the medical literature as well as some rubrics developed from the presenter institutions. Participants will evaluate student problem representations utilizing the rubrics. Finally, the use of artificial intelligence to give students feedback on problem representation in virtual patient cases will be briefly described and discussed.
Kirk Bronander, MD
Meenu Singh, MD
Jenny Wright, MD
Kendall Novoa-Takara, MD
Registration will open November 6