Embracing Conflict and Crucial Conversations with Confidence

When:  Nov 8, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

Crucial conversations occur when stakes are high, emotions are strong, and opinions vary among the parties involved, as described in Kerry Patterson’s book. Although they occur throughout all stages of our professional lives, formal training on managing conflict effectively is often overlooked in professional training and practicing the skills can be very uncomfortable. Conflict resolution and negotiations are types of crucial conversations encountered in the workplace, and although they are often fraught with discomfort, anger, fear, or other unpleasant feelings, conflict resolution, when done well, can strengthen relationships and provide opportunities for creativity and growth. This webinar will introduce one framework for conflict resolution styles. Participants will have time to reflect on their preferred conflict management style and learn strategies to move effectively into the other four styles when necessary or advantageous to do so. Advantages and potential pitfalls to different styles, along with other communication strategies to conducting positive crucial conversations, will be discussed.

Presenters:  Ronda Mourad, MD; Abby L. Spencer, MD, MS, FACP; Kelli A. Corning, MSEd; Susan T. Hingle, MD, MACP


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