00:36:52 Mary Ann: Have to run to another meeting. Sorry. 00:41:10 Lisa Oliver she/her/hers: MISS GINGER WILSON! 00:41:24 Shelly Griffin: Yes! We love Ginger! 00:46:13 Bridget Murdoch (she/her): https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/home.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=us_strengths_branded_cs_ecom&utm_term=gallup%20strengths&gclid=Cj0KCQiA15yNBhDTARIsAGnwe0X9_1z3p_3aruonWTwiIfVla6-Q-4ZLfUWGQ0jv06XEzhIWH9am3YAaAn4cEALw_wcB 00:46:26 Bridget Murdoch (she/her): This is a great resource to identify your strengths 00:47:21 Ginger Wilson: Awe thank you! 00:48:32 TARA L LOUSHINE: Presentation slides and video will be posted 00:48:41 Ginger Wilson: Great presentations! 00:49:59 Bridget Murdoch (she/her): Create a new job description for yourself based off your strengths. Worst case scenario, you get shut down! 00:51:01 Lisa Oliver she/her/hers: Add to your role - can you do 4th year med student work? Can you get involved in advising? 00:51:21 Lisa Tandberg, Internal Medicine: I had this exact situation. I took the job description from when I was hired, and then added the changes and additional items in a different color and submitted. It worked for me! 00:52:06 Susan Rand: Great advice Lisa 00:57:42 Sarmento, Valecia M.: VSarmento@mednet.ucla.edu 01:00:35 Lisa Oliver she/her/hers: Great presentation - as usual! I have to go to another meeting!!!!